Who we are

Established in 2019, Beyond The Veil (BTV) aims to equip Afro-Black Communities with a 365-care approach. Governed by the S.E.A.R.C.H model, we have been guided by the following:

S - Stories of survival and resilience 

E - Education for trauma survivors and their families

A - Assistance for caregivers

R - Resilience in action 

H - Hope for a future restoration 

With an estimated 90% of Rwandans experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder, directly stemming from the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi people, BTV’s mandate initially focused on this segment of the population. We have shifted our focus and augmented services to cater more holistically to a larger section of the Afro-Black diaspora, through comprehensive mental, emotional, and social support.


Beyond the Veil is a non-profit organization that provides appropriate mental health support to the Rwandans, African, Caribbean, and Black communities in Canada.


Knowledge. Hope. Reparation. Restoration

Core values of Beyond the Veil:

Knowledge: stimulating dialogue, awareness, and education about mental health and well-being.

Hope: for our communities to see beyond their traumatic past through support, useful resources, and treatment.

Reparation: designed to restore our communities’ dignity, to be seen as human beings and not defined by their history.

Restoration: to know that the journey to rebuild and heal is possible through professional, individual, and community-based support.

Mission Statement

Initially primarily focusing on Rwandans living in Canada, Beyond The Veil’s mission is to provide mental health and wellness services and support to the African, Caribbean, and Black communities through education and awareness of intergenerational trauma experienced by the community and to stimulate clinical and psychological research on best practices in the treatment of mental health challenges. We provide support by connecting Afro-Black communities to valuable resources through collaboration and partnerships with the Canadian government, mental health professionals, and organizations.


Why do we do it?

Beyond The Veil is helping Afro-Black communities to “see beyond the past and re-imagine a future” of healing and hope through access to appropriate resources and support for their mental well-being. 

Intergenerational trauma plays a large role in the lives of many of the Afro-Black diaspora, resulting largely from a history of genocide, slavery, discrimination, social injustices, and other atrocities this group has been subjected to. The Afro-Black diaspora is unfortunately overrepresented in the population of those who live with mental health illnesses – largely attributed to post-traumatic stress disorder. 

BTV aims to break down mental health stigma within these vulnerable groups through education, support, and advocacy through high-quality, culturally appropriate, and responsive mental health care that allows the Afro-Black communities in Canada to overcome mental health conditions. Fervently advocating for racial justice in mental health, we offer a 365 BTV Programming, which includes educational workshops, podcasts, 1:1 counselling, storytelling Tree of Life Narrative Group therapy, Mental Health Retreat, and a community educational events about the Tutsi genocide. 

Beyond The Veil seeks to: 

  • Normalize conversations about mental health within Rwandans, African, Caribbean Black communities

  • Raise awareness about services and support available 

  • Break down mental health stigma 

Partnership & Collaboration

Beyond The Veil will stay true to our core values of bringing KNOWLEDGE, HOPE, REPARATION, and RESTORATION to Rwandans and Afro-Black communities, while simultaneously increasing collaboration. These partnerships will continue to aid expanding mental health services and support for Afro-Black communities across Canada, have a massive global impact, and facilitate more research.

Our Roots

Research has shown that over 90 percent of Rwandans have experienced traumatic events stemming from the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi people. Having witnessed this crime against humanity, survivors were inevitably left traumatized, reeling from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Beyond The Veil’s desire is to aid in combating this impact by supporting Rwandans’ journey to healing the psychological and emotional scars that continue to linger. The organization is committed to raising awareness of mental health trauma through our primary core value – knowledge – and offering Rwandans access to support and resources as needed. Ultimately, Beyond The Veil hopes that through this support, Rwandans will be recognized for their resilience and not be defined by their history. 

What values are we bringing?

Partnerships, Inclusivity, and Advocacy

Led by an inclusive and diverse Executive Board and a team of volunteer individuals who share Black people's experiences, Beyond The Veil offers holistic mental health support and services through carefully curated programming.  Our directors are trained professionals with extensive experience working with the community and committed to delivering effective and culturally appropriate programming.

Beyond the Veil actively collaborates with skilled mental health professionals and organizations to advocate for accessibility to mental health resources and deliver knowledge and awareness through a culmination of engagement activities and the facilitation of safe/brave spaces – fostering an inclusive environment. 

We are committed to rigorously promoting research in understanding trauma faced by Rwandans and the Black community through encouraging inclusivity and Black representation in the treatment of mental health distress.


 Active Participation and Team Building

Beyond The Veil is dedicated to increasing participation and volunteerism at our organization by engaging more with communities via virtual membership and volunteer recruitment events.

Program Development

We will continuously strive to develop and deliver programs to significantly improve mental health and wellness within our community. Our goal is to be recognized as an invaluable resource for providing and delivering suitable mental health support to Afro-Black communities and continue to bridge and fill existing gaps.

What are our desired outcomes?

Our vision for Beyond The Veil is to not only offer support and bring awareness, but to also encourage and facilitate partnerships that will see wellness centres being established globally for Afro-Blacks to heal from their past, restore dignity and inspire hope.

Raising awareness about issues affecting Rwandans and Afro-Black communities living in Canada as well as their history of resilience will undoubtedly stimulate hope and improve mental health services provided to newcomers, immigrants, war refugees and the African-Caribbean Black communities.

 Community Engagement

We aim to deepen our connectedness and engagement among communities that have experienced mental health challenges or require services and support i.e.; newcomers, immigrants, refugees, Indigenous communities, and the African, Caribbean, and Black communities.  Beyond The Veil is committed to enhancing engagement with multicultural groups and organizations that share similar stories and values.