“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”- Richard Bach, Illusion: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.

The caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly is one miraculous transformation that has intrigued many scientists and scholars for years. However, this incredible transformation has long been used not only to provide significant scientific explanations and insights but has been utilized as a metaphor for life experiences and how we evolve as human beings – shaped by our primary interactions that morph into the adults we are today.

Appoline ‘Lydia’ Nimbeshaho’s life is symbolic to that of the metamorphosis of the caterpillar/butterfly. Despite experiencing a traumatic, chaos-filled life at an early age, Lydia defied the odds to become the leader she is today, one who seeks to transform lives through her story and lived experiences. 

At the tender age of 6, Lydia's life quickly catapulted into what would be a life plagued by trauma after witnessing the brutal murders of her parents during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi people in Rwanda, which saw the murders of over 1,000,000 Tutsi by military extremists.

The event, which took place over 100 days, destabilized and destroyed families and communities, including Lydia's, who was left to grapple with pain, grief, and a childhood tainted by tragedy. Lydia and her siblings were left to face life on their own. This inevitably tore her family apart, separating them from the only family they had left. Lydia lived in orphanages and with various foster families, while her siblings were also scattered across communities and raised by strangers. Forced to grow up quickly, Lydia had to overcome challenges that surpassed normative childhood experiences.

Witnessing carnage destabilizing everything she knew – her family and country, Rwanda, has not deterred Lydia from recognizing and walking in her purpose. Instead, she uses her painful past to inspire hope. Lydia’s story demonstrates the power of resilience and perseverance like the caterpillar’s transition -- boldly defying all odds to become a butterfly, soaring and living a life of purpose and beauty despite the pain.


After moving from one family to the next following the loss of her parents, she was eventually on her own by the time Lydia became a teenager at 14 years old. Boldly, she navigated an adult world while she was still a child. At 19 years old, Lydia welcomed her first child and got married a year later.

Lydia’s life took a welcomed turn when she migrated to Canada in 2010 – a chance to start a new life with her family. However, this was not without challenges. Lydia recognized how her past trauma impacted Rwandans, including one of her siblings – her sister Lucie Kampinka who suffered for years from complex trauma and addiction and lost her life in 2018. 

The struggles with complex trauma and mental health trauma that Lucie encountered before her passing prompted Lydia to spark a conversation on the impact of mental health traumas on Rwandans and Black people. Lydia vowed to speak up about trauma so that others could find the courage to use their voice to elicit change and personal freedom.


Having direct knowledge of the impact of mental health trauma, Lydia has sought to stimulate conversations addressing the importance of mental health wellness among Rwandans and Afro-Black communities in Canada and Rwanda. Lydia has also recognized the need to have access to mental health and wellness support and research, awareness, and targeted support for Black communities.

The inspiration from her late sister, her resilient siblings, and her journey compelled Lydia to establish an organization that advocates for mental health support, creates awareness of the effects of intergenerational trauma, and connects the community to tailored support. Additionally, Lydia offers a safe and brave space that will begin to break down stigmas surrounding mental health, one that her sister did not get a chance to experience.  Having identified the need for such a platform, Lydia collaborated with three other visionary, powerful and purpose-driven women to establish Beyond the Veil Mission. Judite Mbuguje, Shayle Graham and Kaneza Esperance were instrumental in launching and propelling the BTV mission, laying the groundwork for the transformative - inspirational organization

On her journey, Lydia is channelling her tragedy into triumph and inviting others to share their stories of resilience, hope, and courage. Lydia wants others to see beyond the veil and experience a transformative life like that of the butterfly which, despite its rigorous stages of metamorphosis, evolves into a beautiful butterfly.