Services are provided by culturally competent therapists who have extensive experience working with the Black population and qualified to support them on their mental health journey. During the Get Beyond Programming workshops, participants are informed on various topics, including mental health and mental illness, trauma, and PTSD to help them understand how the body copes with issues that affect well-being. Participants are offered six (6) free therapy sessions and learn healthy techniques to manage symptoms. The goal is to encourage the Black community to be comfortable with seeking professional mental health support when in need. 

Book an appointment with a therapist.

Brenton Diaz

Brenton Diaz is a Trauma Therapist who teaches part-time in the School of Social Work at York and Lakehead universities and also lectures about trauma at Tyndale University. Brent works with clients dealing with trauma, violence, depression, anxiety, substance use, eating disorders, and help them to identify solutions for the problems they face. 

He has worked with the Rwandan community in Toronto, providing training for a local Rwandan church to deal with the impact of the genocide against the Tutsi. At Beyond The Veil, Brent provides mental health education, research, and training. He also supports the organization with its messaging to the Rwandan people to communicate the impact of trauma and other aspects of trauma education and training. 

Charlotte Muhorakeye, (MSW, BSW, RSW)


Charlotte Muhorakeye is a Clinical Social Work/Therapist and a graduate of the University of Ottawa. Muhorakeye has worked in the mental health and clinical social work for the last 20 years and is certified in crisis intervention, mental health first aid, and conflict resolution. Muhorakeye believes all individuals possess resilience, inner strengths, and essential skills to overcome difficulties. Counselling services include virtual sessions with individuals and families from underserviced language minority communities in Canada (French, Kinyarwanda, and Kirundi-speaking folks). Muhorakeye practices a holistic, evidence-based approach, strengths, and solutions-focused to foster client resilience, cultivate growth and develop internal resources specific to each individual. These approaches are integrative, collaborative, and strongly influenced by cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

Muhorakey mainly works with clients who experience depression, anxiety, grief & loss, relationship issues, work and academic stress, PTSD and struggling with related psychosocial problems. Her work focuses on enabling emotional regulation skills and stress reduction strategies that can be applied to life transitions. Muhorakeye provides online coaching/clinical supervision as well as psychosocial workshops.